Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Group names: Haywon Pietersen
                        Dancel April
                        Leswin Manuel
                        Faiek Arnolds

Code: C1- Tea abstract
           T1- 50 compost / 50 Soil
           T3- Compost
           T4- Soil


Week 1:

First pot plant: Pot C1 / Plant 1= 68mm
                                       Plant 2= 60mm

First pot plant: Pot T1 / Plant 1= 102mm
                                       Plant 2= 114mm

First pot plant: Pot T3 / Plant 1= 75mm
                                       Plant 2= 40mm

First pot plant: Pot T4 / Plant 1= 90mm
                                       Plant 2= 85mm

Week 2:

First pot plant: Pot C1 / Plant 1= 73mm
                                       Plant 2= 65mm

Firts pot plant: Pot T1 / Plant 1= 107mm
                                       Plant 2= 120mm

Firtst pot plant: Pot T3 / Plant 1= 80mm
                                       Plant 2= 49mm

 First potr plant: Pot T4 / Plant 1= 102mm
                                         Plant 2= 88mm

Week 3:

First pot plant: Pot C1 / Plant 1= 96mm
                                       Plant 2= 98mm

Firts pot plant: Pot T1 / Plant 1= 118mm
                                       Plant 2= 125mm

Firtst pot plant: Pot T3 / Plant 1= 85mm
                                        Plant 2= 53mm

First potr plant: Pot T4 / Plant 1= 108mm
                                        Plant 2= 91mm

Week 4:

First pot plant: Pot C1 / Plant 1= 101mm
                                       Plant 2= 102mm

Firts pot plant: Pot T1 / Plant 1= 123mm
                                      Plant 2= 128mm

Firtst pot plant: Pot T3 / Plant 1= 88mm
                                        Plant 2= 57mm

First potr plant: Pot T4 / Plant 1= 111mm
                                        Plant 2= 94mm

2. Mediums pH and EC readings at different temperatures
100% Soil with a temperature of  14˚C had a pH of 7.92

50/50 mixture of soil and compost with a temp of 14˚C had a pH of 8.13
100% Compost with a temp of 14˚C had a pH of 8.07

100% Soil with a temp of 14˚C had an  EC reading of 43.20
50/50 mixture of soil and compost with a temp of 14˚C had an EC reading of 325

100 Compost with a temp of 14˚C had an EC reading of 805

 Results Analysis
pH and EC measurements can vary greatly and are affected by several environmental factors including, climate, local biota (plants and animals), bedrock and surficial geology, as well as human impacts on the land. Common values of pH and EC for particular environments can be found in the literature, such as peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks. In general, pH readings between 1-6 are considered acidic, 7 is neutral, and 8-14 are basic. Relatively dilute waters, such as distilled water or glacial melt water have low electrical conductivities, ranging from zero to the microSeimen range, whereas temperate streams and lakes, especially those with a significant groundwater contribution, generally have higher electrical conductivities.

Description of experiment and why its been conducted

In our soil science experiment we planted gabbage planted in three meduims namely worm tea abstract, 100% compost and a 50-50 mixture of soil and compost. The mediums were placed into into individual pots and two cabbage plants were planted into each of the meduims. Water was added to each pot except the 100% soil meduim for it was filled with worm tea abstract.

With the information generated from 4 weeks of observation a conclusion can be made regarding to which medium was the most suitable and effective.  According to the measurements we can clearly see that the compost was the better medium of them all. The 100% soil is the perfect one with and ph of 7,92. means cation exchange would take place more frequently because of the availability of more H+ which will result into more nutrient uptake by plants to stimulate growth and other metabolically reactions .

Water-holding capacity is intimately linked to crop yields, there is enormous potential to use soil electrical conductivity measurements to delineate areas with different yield potential. Soil electrical conductivity can also delineate differences in organic matter content and cation exchange capacity.  A good illustration of where EC is being used is with the management of nematodes and other soil related diseases.  The composts EC readings were significantly high compare to the other mediums, which indicates that it is the medium with the highest resistance to diseases which occur mainly in the soil. With this we can conclude that the compost was overall the best growing medium for cabbage.

Reasons for conducting experiment
The main reason for this experiment being conducted was to identify the best growing medium for these specific crops. 

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